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IBIT Mentoring Program

I participated in the Mentoring program that my department runs. My mentor and I met three times throughout the semester and we discussed my career path, courses I have taken and whether I should get a master’s degree. We also discussed the different kinds of jobs I could get in different industries and the pros and cons of working for large and small firms. We also talked about the benefits of having MIS as my second major along with my Accounting major.

Based on our conversations and my experience in my internship, I think I want to work at a large firm when I graduate. It sounds like there are too many uncertainties with a small firm or start ups. I like working in teams on projects and my mentor said that that happens a lot at large firms. Before I talked to my mentor, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to move from this area but after speaking with them, I decided that I am open to try new things and new areas of the country.

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