Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems
  • Analytics
  • Business process analysis
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Analytics Challenge

My team won first place in the annual Analytics Challenge that takes place on campus. We did an analysis on drug leakage for a well know pharmaceutical company.  First we studied the data and then we cleaned it.  During the analysis we found many different patterns which we presented to the company during the finals.  I got to practice a little Tableau and R during our analysis which was a great experience.  Also working in a team and splitting up the tasks was a good experience.  I took the role as the leader in our group so I was responsible for making sure everyone did their part on time.  I also had to set up all of our meetings and took the lead on meeting with our mentor to gain feedback on what we should and shouldn’t include.  It all worked out since we won first place and two of us from the team received internship offers out of it!

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